I’ve discussed the negative effects of sitting all day and what it does to our bodies. Many scientists say that sitting is the new smoking, decreasing our life span. Apart from working out and walking around, there is another solution that is equally awesome – the standing desk.

Recently, I switched to a convertible standing desk in my office and it has changed my day. I have more energy, get more done, and am overall happier. Full disclosure, my desk is adjustable – and yes, I do still sit for part of the day, but for at least 6 hours a day I stand.

Just look at some of the potential benefits of a standing desk:

  • Reduced Risk of Obesity (standers on average burn an extra 50 more calories per hour)
  • Reduced Risk of Heart Disease
  • Reduced Risk of Cancer
  • Reduced Risk of Type 2 Diabetes and Metabolic Problems
  • Lower Mortality Risk

Now there are some considerations to take before deciding to go standing. First, I would recommend an adjustable standing desk. Sure, they cost a bit more, but it is highly convenient to be able to stand or sit based on how you are feeling and what you are doing (do you really want to eat lunch standing up?). Another suggestion – invest in some good shoes to keep at your desk while you are standing and possibly an ergonomic mat to stand on. Luckily no one can see your feet when you are behind your desk anyway.

If you are still debating whether switching to a standing desk is right for you, this article helped me out quite a bit. My thoughts – the pros outweigh the cons, especially when you have an adjustable desk. Give it a try and take on the day standing!